personal data
name: Erwin Holzer, Director retired
address: A-8184 Auersbach 3, Austria
date of birth: 08-11-1944
place of birth: Anger
nationality: Austria
native language: German
foreign language: English
course of education
1950-1954 elementary school
1954-1958 secondary school
1958-1963 college of education
1963 teachers examination for elementary schools
1972 teachers examination for secondary schools
subjects: biology, mathematics, geography, information technology and sports
1963-1966 teacher at elementary schools
1966-1992 teacher at secondary schools
1992-2003 headmaster and director at secondary school in Anger/Styria/Austria
2003 retired
biological/entomological references
supervisor for biology teachers
1985 first prize from Austrian education-ministery for ecological schoolplanning
since 1976 research on coleoptera
main researches: beetles (Coleoptera) – biodiversity, faunistic, ecology and natural conservation
numerous publications
Wiener Coleopterologen-Verein (Präsident) / The Vienna Coleopterists Society
Fachgruppe Entomologie an der Abteilung Biowissenschaften im Studienzentrum Naturkunde des Universalmuseums Joanneum, Graz/Steiermark
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Entomofaunistik
Österreichische Entomologische Gesellschaft
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Steiermark
Österreichischer Naturschutzbund